for their eyes only

Verify financial accounts, user identities. Confirm bank accounts, credit cards, brokerage accounts, and other financial assets.

1:1  Account Linking

Account holders are tied to their accounts thereby ensuring that nobody else can access it and greatly enhancing security. Identity Solutions provisions a private key that is bound to the account holder, the service provider account, and each unique device.


verifiable Credentials

Verifiable credentials are built automatically by the Identity Solution network on behalf of the relying party. These credentials can be used in future transactions that utilize the Identity Solutions network to verify accounts and user claims.
Verify identity claims without sharing PII
Attribution Based
Transportable across products
Private - Public - Key-pairs
Video Verified
Location Match
Office Suite
Device Matching
Network Check

How secure is your wallet?

Our real-time identity proofing significantly enhances the security of digital wallets by instantly verifying users' identities during transactions.

De-risk Platform Digital Wallets

By adding digital identity to the transactions of any digital wallet platform you can mitigate the risk of fraud and unauthorized access.

Build Consumer Trust

This simple verification process not only enhances user trust and confidence but also promotes a seamless, secure, and user-friendly experience.

Eliminate phishing and account takeovers

Even if a hacker were to intercept an SMS OTP (ie. SIM swap), or simply phish the necessary information on the internet to claim to be a valid user, Identity Solutions would not trust the claim.
No OTP's
Identity based claims
Biometric Authentication

Meets or exceeds all industry standards

Identity Solutions embraces industry standards such as OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, FIDO, SAML and many others. Identity Solutions is a complementary identity service that can integrate and enhance the existing implementation of these protocols.
Share verifiable credentials via OpenID Connect
Use bootstrap a FIDO credential API interface
Use across all devices