the power of Identity for education

Identity Solutions is introducing a Student Digital ID solution designed to revolutionize how students manage and share their personal and academic information.

Student Access & Security

Students can use their digital IDs to gain building access and open classroom doors, ensuring the highest level of security. Additionally, students can easily log on to school computers and other digital platforms.

1 in 4

School Doors

That's how many doors are missing even a simple lock that can be locked from the inside



We believe secure quick and easy access to the 115K Schools in the us would greatly improve school safety


K-12 Students

Easily manage students’ entry/exit locations, perform auto attendance, and more


Access Points Per Day

There are a billion access points per day in the united states alone

Access for safer students

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Access Across Campus

Students can use their digital IDs to open doors, ensuring a high level of school security and easily log on to school computers and other platforms.

School ID

Identity management enhances the overall safety and efficiency of school operations, providing a secure and convenient way for students to navigate their academic environment.

Student Records

Our Student ID solution enables students to have all their classes, credits, majors, transfers, and transcripts at the tip of their fingers.


Give students real time access to all their school records in one place. Allow students to see their grades, classes and export transcripts.


By supplying verified digital diplomas we're able to provide chain of custody for diplomas and ensure that students can link their hard work to digital platforms.


Schools can manage the distribution of all school records in one place reducing the overhead on school office staff while promoting transparency.

School Currency Management

Our wallet solution supports school currencies. This feature allows students to make transactions within the school ecosystem, such as purchasing lunch, borrowing library books, or participating in school events, all through their digital ID and Wallet.

Reward Students with school Currency

Allow students to earn school-based currency that can be redeemed across campus and with participating partners.

Recharge Anytime

Students and parents can recharge anytime for all their academic expenses.

Ready to learn more?

Improve security and privacy while increasing user retention and engagement in any digital product.

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